Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Artifact Sketch
The item I chose to use as an artifact for my Community is the GPS tracking bracelet.

The unit can be either a one-piece unit, looking much like an ankle bracelet, that transmits data to/from the GPS system; or it can be a two-piece electronically tethered bracelet and cell phone/GPS receiver. The ones tied to a home base that will alert authorities if the offender has left a particular area they have been assigned to typically their home. It will also monitor the offenders heart beat so the probation officers will be alerted if they cut the ankle bracelet it off. For the tracking bracelets the Officers will have a tracking monitor that will show the offenders location within a few feet and it will down load there location during the day so the probation officer can down load the travel information and see if they have been to there classes and meeting and also see if they were there the whole time that they were supposed to be there,
This monitoring system is very valuable to the officers as they don’t have to travel around to check on particular offenders that are high risk of non compliance. The PO’s can check on specific classes and meetings that the probationers have been assigned to, with a quick download off the internet.
This system right now is at about $9 dollars a day to monitor someone. It costs from $36.00 to $50,00 a day to incarcerate an offender per day. So this is a very cost effective and time affective tool that probation uses. It helps keep a leash so to speak on the high risk individuals that a few years ago would have to be watched on a constant biases where as now the officer can just look on the screen and see where they are or download there data and check it with the offenders schedule.

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