Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Exp. 1 Unit 3

I actually got a lot of info from the groups we got in to discuss our papers and what maybe to focus on more. The group gave me a lot of impute as to where I needed improvement and maybe needed to put a little more focus. There were several questions that arouse in my head as to what I can do to gain more knowledge of my community. One big question that I kept going over was that of the use of force. It’s been something that has bothered me and is misunderstood by almost everyone. When an officer uses force there is always going to be someone that is going to complain about it being too much. So what do they do, they go and tell all their friends that they saw a “pig” tackle down a kid and chuff him. Now don’t get me wrong I do feel that there should be a good check and balance system with everything. There are times that they do need us force and times when there shouldn’t be as much force used. So I guess the question that I want to really look into and talk about is, what is the use of force and when does it become excessive? I feel there is a lot to learn about it. I feel there is going to be a good amount of information to find with it. It’s an issue that, at times, can become very heated. Most people feel officers use way too much force. Think about it like this. If your mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, or even friends life is on the line would you rather the officers sit back and hope they are going to be ok, or would you rather the officer’s use a little bit of force to ensure that they are going to be able to hug you again.

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